Friday, 11 July 2014


I'm pretty much done with prototyping / coding for the first instrument. I've managed to get pitch bend working on a softpot (potentiometer touch strip) and triggering the notes with a pressure sensor:

Also the nunchuck works now in real time to modify the sound as you play the notes - in this case the speed of duty cycle variation.

This now will be put together in a case so the pressure and touch strip are combined as one strip and the nunchuck will be built into the case so you tilt the instrument to vary the sound. I'll also be adding control parameters to the joystick of the nunchuck.

Here's a badly drawn sketch to show you what the instrument will look like:

The idea is to hold the instrument in your hands, playing the touch strip with the thumb of one hand and messing with the joystick/switch/dial with the other hand, as well as tilting the instrument.

The joystick will change the octave of the touch strip, and add pitch bend. The dial controls the length of the note and the 3way switch determines whether the duty cycle is 12.5%, 25% or 50%.

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